Florist Holland

Florist Holland,Florist ,Tehran Saee Gol,Saee gol,Iran Florist,Iran Lelies,iran flowerbulbs,Iran flower import,Gerbera ,Iran Gerbera,Florist Gerbera

Florist Holland

6/22/2017 2:08:34 PM | 14:080 comments861839 visit

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Name : Florist Holland
Description: :

Tehran Saee Gol is the exclusive representative of Florist Holland in Iran and we are committed to provide high quality flowerbulbs and state-of-the-art technologies for our clients.  

Florist Holland is a propagation and breeding company with almost 75 employees in the Netherlands. We specialize in Gerbera. We are located in De Kwakel, the Netherlands, where all our international activities are managed too. When it comes to our sales activities, we make optimal use of knowledge and the network. At the same time, we adopt a local approach and respond to specific growing and market conditions in each country. Florist Holland is also focusing on the consumer of tomorrow. Based on the latest technologies and innovations, the enthusiastic Florist team, will continue to develop new varieties and sales concepts for the future.

Due to the professionalism of the ornamental plant and flower sector and the high level of cultivation, we are launching lots of new varieties. Our crop specialists possess plenty of knowledge and experience of open field and substrate cultivation. In the office, the Sales Support department is the point of contact. In this department, they take care of order processing, scheduling, providing information on the availability and quality of seeds and tissue culture plants. Finally, various employees work on local marketing and communication.

When developing new varieties and supplying top-quality seeds and tissue culture plants, it is necessary to continue innovating at all times. Every year, we spend 25 percent of our turnover on research and development. Florist Holland develops varieties with improved qualities for the entire chain. We help our customers to get the maximum yield and harvest out of our varieties per m2 by constantly creating new hybrids and selecting the best breeds from them. Seeds and tissue culture plants are natural products. They should be produced under the right conditions and undergo extensive quality checks. We adopt strict standards and plan carefully, so that we can supply the required products on time. Incorporating resistances against diseases and pests ensures that horticulturists don’t need to use as many crop protection products. We are thereby also helping to make cultivation techniques more sustainable.

  • … possesses an R&D team and production department that put a great deal of dedication into further developing and propagating Gerbera cut flowers and pot plants.
  • … has an innovative laboratory in which all kinds of new hybrids are created.
  • … uses modern laboratory facilities to breed tissue culture plants at KF Bioplants in India (joint venture).
  • … has test facilities in different climate zones.
  • … creates on its production sites the type of young plants that customers want to have (customised solutions).
  • … facilitates global sales and distribution.
  • … provides technical advice and marketing support.
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